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​Private Credit Focused on investing in sovereign linked alternative assets

Aritmétika is an alternative asset manager investing in sovereign linked credit strategies that seek to offer attractive returns with controlled risks and low or no correlation to the traditional markets.

Introduction to Aritmétika

Aritmétika Asset Management (“Aritmétika”) is an alternative asset manager established in 2013 to invest in specific credit strategies that seek to offer attractive returns with controlled risks and little or no correlation to the traditional markets.

To date, Aritmétika has successfully underwritten a 
 diversified range of senior-secured structures, including government debt, corporate debt, and final judgments.

Accomplished Team

Team has more than 25 years of experience in the financial sector and proven expertise in the region

Pioneering women-led asset manager (80% women) focused on high-quality credit opportunities across Colombia

Recognized trailblazer with robust origination capabilities and disciplined underwriting process

Overarching Strategy

Invests in specific assets with asymmetric risk/reward profile

Operates exclusively in low-risk market within a robust regulatory framework

Proven track record, providing high yielding assets while maintaining a low risk portfolio

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Why Invest with Aritmétika?

Diverse, Experienced Team

Industry specialists with a history of working together.
Domain experts employing innovative strategies 
within their areas of expertise.

Reputation, capabilities and networks built over 
years of successful operations.

Distinctive Investment Approach

Employ innovative strategies uncorrelated to credit and other markets.
Target attractive returns with 
strong inherent capital protection.
Offer complementary return-enhancing 
and portfolio-diversifying strategies.

Final Judgments

Government-linked, constitutionally mandated 
obligations against non-appealable judgments.
Payments are guaranteed (0% default to date); 
late payments accrue at local interest rate.

Typical repayment period of 42 months creates 
compelling non-correlated mid-term investment opportunity

Distinctive Investment Approach

Differentiated asset class addressing a 
large, growing and dynamic market.
Repayments protected by strict regulatory 
framework for both government and private pensions.

Management team uniquely positioned as 

1) experienced investors in the space; and
2) leaders of the legal team that drafted the relevant laws.

© 2024 Artimétika S.A.S. BIC Asset Management. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy

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